Live coding session 3rd sitting – Storing meetings

Added some functionality to store meetings, everything still lives in the browser and local storage but now we have something meaningful to store and sync with the server that we’ll implement in the next session.

Live demo @

Source code @

Until next time, have a nice day!


Keywords : VS2013, Azure, HTML5, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery Mobile, AmplifyJS

Live coding session 2nd sitting – Refactoring plain js to typescript

Got some great feedback on my first screencast, which is awesome! I mentioned that I usually use typescript in my previous post and one viewer picked up on that and requested a screencast converting the app to use typescript. Excellent idea, so here it is! Once again I underestimated the time it would take though, my est. was ~20 minutes, it ended up taking 35 minutes. Speaking, thinking, motivating decisions and writning code just takes a bit longer than what I’m used to. ;-)

Live demo @

Source code @

I’m thinking server side coding for the next sitting. Until then, have a nice day!


Keywords : VS2013, Azure, HTML5, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery Mobile, AmplifyJS